Gottfried Reiche (1667 – 1734), Stadtpfeifer of Leipzig and chief trumpeter to Johann Sebastian Bach

Gottfried Reiche was born on Feb. 5, 1667 at the court town Weissenfels. Weissenfels was known as a place with a long tradition of trumpet playing. Reiche stayed in this town until he was 21. Then, in 1688 he went to Leipzig. In Leipzig he became an assistant Stadtpfeifer. Reiche was promoted to Senior Stadtpfeifer in 1706. When the trumpeter Johann C. Genzmer died in 1719, Reiche became Senior Stadtmusicus.
After his death, Reiche was succeeded by Christoph Ruhe.
Abblasen (YouTube) played by nathaniel Mayfield on Baroque Trumpet.
Abblasen (YouTube) arranged for 2 trumpets, arr. Ronald Romm. Both parts performed by Jeffrey A. Schaffer

WIMA: Werner Icking Music Archive, including: Fugues in C, D, F, G, Bb & Abblasen (Fanfare) in C.
Quatricinia (pdf) [Sonatina] 1690
Turmsonate (from Sheet Music Plus)
Sonata No.7 (from Music Room)
On Page 177 of ‘Catalogue of Music for Organ and Instruments‘, by James H. Laster, the author lists this:
REICHE, Gottfried (1670-1734)
“A selection from ‘Vier-und-Swanzig Neue Quatricinia‘, published in Leipzig, 1696, that incorporates short phrases alternating between brass and organ. Organ is written on three staves. Medium-easy work. Duration: 3:15.”
Turmsonaten – 24 neue Quatricinien – für 4 Blechbläser (Posaunenchor)
More ‘Turmsonaten‘: On 26 July 2009, a quick search at for “Gottfried Reiche”, returned 159 results, for music written by the great man. (see search results).
Abblasen (score, mp3(x2), midi & pdf)
Reiche and Pezel’s Music played by the Ewald Rézfuvos Kvintett: ‘Tower Sonatas‘, including 10 Sonatine and 14 Fugues written by Reiche and 16 pieces by Pezel (Johann Christoph Pezel preceded Reiche as a Stadtpfeifer of Leipzig).
Did Bach write the fanfare in Gottfried Reiche’s portrait? ERIC LEWIN ALTSCHULER argues the case
Internet Searches
Google Scholar: Gottfried Reiche
Google Blogs: Gottfried Reiche
Google Books: Gottfried Reiche