The International Guild of Town Pipers Website ( ) has developed over the years and is now quite large, containing historical records, music, records of our festivals and other activities, images, literary quotes, links and a whole lot more. This valuable resource requires significant server space and quite a lot of maintenance.
In order to assist with the cost of running the website, the Directors decided to institute a system of membership, which will confer significant benefits, although the content of the site will remain freely accessible.
The benefits of membership are:
- A prominent graphical link to a band’s own site on the Member Bands page (at our discretion, we may provide certain non-member waits-type bands with a simple text link).
- Gig listings in the Events Calendar.
- Members’ badges (a silver-finish badge featuring the IGTP logo), available at £4 each.
- Advance notice/priority booking at Waits Workshops and Festivals.
- Priority in Guild-organised events.
- Access to a the Guild’s Facebook page.

Annual Membership Fees
The membership year runs from 1st April until the 31st March. The annual membership fee will be £10 per person, but with a maximum of £50 for a band with five or more members, with a student rate of £5 per member up to a maximum of £25 for a band with five or more members. The Directors of the Guild hope that you will join, thereby giving financial support to the maintenance and on-going development of the Waits Website and the other activities of the Guild including biennial workshops and festivals.
Whatever your method of payment, please remember to post your completed Membership Form and Gift Aid Form (if applicable), to:
Roger Offord, 2 Ledbury Gardens, Cusworth, Doncaster DN5 8LS
- Account name “The International Guild of Town pipers”
- Lloyds Bank Plc
- Sort Code 30-97-51
- Account Number 00269136
We’re currently transferring the PayPal system over to the new site. Details will appear soon.
Please make cheques out to “The International Guild of Town Pipers” and post them with your other forms (see above).