Chalemie Summer School

13 – 18 August 2013 at Headington School, Oxford, OX3 7TD.

Headington School

The Chalemie Summer School is a week long early music workshop.


Tim Bayley (of York Waits): Shawm, Curtal, Recorder, etc.
Matthew Spring: Hurdy-Gurdy, Lute, Guitar, Viol.
Katie Hodges: Natural Trumpet.
Atsufumi Ujiie: Pipe & Tabor, Percussion.
Sarah Stowe: Voice, Keyboards.
Bill Tuck: Pipe & Tabor, Sackbut.
Barbara Segal: Baroque Dance
Barry Grantham: Commedia & Mime.

Tim BayleyMatthew SpringKatie HodgesAtsufumi Ujiie

Sara StoweBill TuckBarbara SegalBarry Grantham

For further information please visit the Chalemie website or contact:

Barbara Segal
3 Thornhill Square
N1 1BQ

Tel: 020 7700 4293
Fax: 020 7700 5877