King’s Lynn 1500 – 1599
1500 Thomas lawson mynstrell introitus & debet ijs Inde sol’ iiijd (Thomas Lawson, minstrel, joins the guild for two shillings and is paid fourpence.) Mal
1501 18 Jan Vacatio be it had in mynd that the Commons shall receyve for rent of the dragon xxjs which they have Alowed to Thomas Bawesey md yt is payed in thaccompte of Iohn Beulys late chamberlyn of Lenn. Mal (The town owned a processional dragon at this time)
1509 7 Dec. Watche. This day it is Agreed that the Constabylle of this Toun shall make watche on nyghtes thys wyntertyme & specially in Christmas for vagabundes and ryottours players Mal
1512 (9 December) This day Mr Mayor has brought in two collars with two escutcheons of silver and St Margarets full arms in the escutcheons per oz. 10 1/4 of the value 40s 6d to remain to the commons for ever and the said Mayor now binds himself to answer the said two collars and escutcheons on Michs. next coming and so yearly to be delivered to every Mayor. DP
1513 (29 September) This day M davy late Mayre hath browzte in & delyuered to M Mayre now charged….ij Collers of Dragon heods & braunches of syluer with Skochons enhameled pondentes x vnce & j quarter [fo] which were made Agaynst Christmas last past for the Mynstrelle of the Toun at the Coste & charge of <the sed late Mayre &> certen of the good burgesses of the Toun/ Mal
1514 (29 September) This day M Brewshere late mayre hath brouzte in……iij Colyers with dragon hedes & braunches of syluer & iij Scochons enameled pondentes xv vnce [& a quarter] for the mynstrelle of this Toun Mal
1515 (Michelmas Sunday) This day M Robert Some late mayre hath brought in & delyuered to M Mayre now Charged …….iij Colers with Dragons hedde & braunches of Siluer & iij Scochons enameled podentes [x] {xv} vnce {& a quarter} for the mynstrelle of this town…… Mal
1516 Plague PR
(29 September) This day M Iohn Grendell late Mayer hathe brought in & delyuered to M Mayer now charged……iij colers with dragons hedde & braunches of Syluer & iij Scochons enameled pondentes xv vnce & a quarter for the mynstrelle of this towne Mal
1517 (29 September) This day M Robert Amfles thelder late Mayer hathe brought yn & delyuered to M Mayer now charged…iij colers with dragons hede & braunches of Syluer & iij Scochons enameled pondentes xv vnce & a quarter for the mynstrelle of this towne….. Mal
1518 (29 September) This day M Thomas leyghton late Mayre hath brought yn & delyuered to M Mayre new charged….iij colers with dragons hede & braunches of Syluer & iij Scochons enameled pondentes xv vnces & a quarter for the Mynstrelle of this town…. Mal
1519 (29 September) Thys day M Wylliam Castell late Mayre hathe brought yn & delyuered to M Mayre newe charged….iij. colers with dragons hede & braunches of syluer & iij Scochons enameled weyeng xv. vnce & a quarter for the Mynstrelle of this towne…… Mal
William Beton, Organ-maker, paid 40s for his freedom. TY
1520 (29 September) This day Robert Gerves late Mayer hathe brought yn & delyuered to M Meyer new charged…iij Colers with dragons hedde & braunches of syluer & iij Scochons enamelyd weyeng xv. [x.] vnce & a quarter for the mynstrelle of this toun Mal
1526-1527 Thetford Priory Accounts Item sol’ to the waytes of lynn xijd Mal
1527 (29 September) Md that m Mayor hath delyuered one scocuon & a [she] Cean of Siluer to Iohn Shellez waite & an other to James Norman waite [either] {the} other pleyer. & an other scochion with a Chean to Thomas Newman. Mal
1527-1528 Item sol’ lez tres Waytte xijd (Item, given to the three Waites 12 pence) Mal
1528 (29 September) This day the haue graunted to the iij Waite towarde the mendyng of ther Wages xxs for this yere comyng & they haue iij cheynes of siluer with a scochion wher of the Coler that Iohn Shell hath weyght .v vnce & a [p] quarter of good weght And an other v vnce bare/that Thomas Newman hath/And the iij Coler or Cheyne wyeth iiij vnces di and a quarter good weight That Thomas Conyngesby hath Mal
Md that the Skochens of be delyuerd to the Wayte as they be yere past
1528-1529 Et sol’ Willielmo Goldsmyth pro arte sua & vnam [vn……] argenti in le Skochens pro histrionibus ville Lenn vs. (Given to William Goldsmith for his art and one [?] silver in the escutcheons for the Waites of the town of Lynn) Mal
1530 (29 September) Thomas Miller late Mayer haue delyuerd the seale of office [& his key of the] to Master Bewsher and also iij collarz for the Wayts Mal
1530-1531 In primis to the Waytte vjd Mal
1531 (29 September) This day Richard Bewsher late mayer haue delyuerd to Mayster Mayer iij collerz with Skochyns of Syluer….. Mal
(3 November) Item this day the Mayer &c haue apoynted the iij Wayte to haue jn Wage by yere xxs & ther is delyuerd to iche of them a collour with a skochyon <…&…> to the valowe of iijli Werfore iche of them be bond for other Iohannes Shelie< Mal
1532 (29 September) This day Master Power late Meyer haue delyuered to M Aumfles nowe Mayer iij collerz with Scoshyns of syluer….. Mal
1533 (29 September)This day Robert Aumfles late Mayer haue delyuerd vnto M Mayer iij colourz of syluer with Skochyns on them……. Soluciones per Aldermanum Item to the iij Waytte vjd Mal
1534 (29 September) This day Robert Permyter late mayer haue delyured to M Segraue nowe Mayer iij collerz of Syluer with skochens on them….. Paymente by the Aldirmen In primis payd to the Waytte xijd Mal
1535 (29 September) Iohannes Shell Ricardus Essexer Nicholus howton Wayte iche of them bounde for other for the colors. Mal
1536 (29 September) …..and Thomas Water late Mayer haue delyuerd to the Mayer the collors……… Mal
1536 Lynn Waites play at Cambridge (Cooper’s annals) SM
1537 The fair moved to 3rd February PR
L’Estrange family accounts, Sir Thomas L’Estrange, Hunstanton Item in reward the viijth day of Ianuary to the Mynstrelle of lyn v.s. Item in reward th vij day of Iuly to the Minstrelle of lyn xijd Mal
(29 September) Also Thomas Newman Nicholas Howten with ther childer ben this day Amyttyd as our Wayte & the colours ben delyuerd to them iche of them to be otherz suerty Mal
1538 (29 September) Thomas Newmane on of the wayte haue still the iij colerz Mal
1539 (29 September) Thomas Newman haue iij Syluer colerz with ther Skochyns Mal
1540 Plague PR
Changed from Bishop’s Lynn to King’s Lynn Mal
(29 September) Thomas Newman haue iij syluer Collers with ther Skochyns Mal
1541 Fair closed PR
Accounts of Earl of Rutland 25May, 1541 To three waits of Lynne, 2s (Woodfill) JM
(29 September) delyuerd to Thomas Newman Wayte & his survunte iij Collerz so siluer Mal
1547 Oct 7 Ordered that the Comon Clerke the Sword Bearer and the four sergeants shall have Liveries of 5s per yard and the Waites and Porters to have Liveries at 4s 4d per yard T
1555 The original South Lynn joined to the rest of King’s Lynn PR
Plague PR
1559 Fair restored and called ‘The Mart’ PR
1562-1563 (Swaffham church wardens’ accounts) Item payd to Nycholas selond for his quart’ emollument at Mydsomer (Nicholas Selond was apparently town wait at an annual salary of �3: entries relating to his livery and to quarterly or yearly payment of his wages recur until 1567/8. Mal
1563 Earthquake damage PR
1574 Plague PR
1575-1576 Thomas Drowry merchant, son and heir of Robert Drowry (freedom by birth). Cal
1578 L’Estrange accounts, Hunstanton (24 December) fforaine paimentes since the xixth daye of December The waightes Dd to mathew, to paye to the Waightes, eodem die ijs vjd Mal
1578-1579 Nottingham City Records 20 July, waits of Lynne, 16d (Woodfill) JM
1579-1580 Thomas Bate, merchant, purchased freedom. Cal
1580 Also yt ys agreed that Thomas Gale & other the [comen] musisions of this Towne shall have euerie of them for there wage xxs a yere and xxs for there liueries, And that there shalbe a sett of five Instrumente bought & deliuered to the sayd Thomas Gale vpon suerties to be put in for the mayntenance & safe custodye of them and so to restore & redeliver them at all tymes when they shalbe demaunded or required/ Mal
(7 November) Att this daie was paid into thande of Mr Mayor for the satisfienge of Mr Bate and Mr Clark for monye Laide out by them for the Instrumente for ye waite xjli vs Mal
1582 (19 January) xxs to [an]one of the waite./ Also att this Daie mr Mayor Alsermen & comen counsell have condiscended and agreed that Grave one of the players vpon the waighte shall from the ffeast of [the Byrthe of our Lord] St. Michaell tharchangell Last [Last] past forwarde Durynge the pleasure of the Mayor & burgesses have ouer & beside his part in the comen ffee twentie shillinge a yere paid hym quarterlye by even porcions to thintent he shall not hereafter departe from this Town to serve elle where without the concent of the said mayor & burgesses & he to be bound to the same Mal
(27 November) waite to be discharged Allso the same Daye it is condiscended & agreed that Gaall & his companye of wayte shalbe Discharged att the xxvth of marche nexte comynge & then to receiue their ffee Levinge the Townes Instrumente with their Collers to the Towne in good saffetye, Mal
1583 (29 April) Instrument dd vp by Tho. Gale./ Att this daie Thomas Gale hath deliuered into the hall heare a sett of ffive Instrumente called waite Trumpette & iij Collers with the Chaines belonginge to them belonginge to the Town./ Mal
(4 October) Order for the waite Att this daie it is condiscended and agreed by mr maior Aldermen & comen Counsell that Iohn Allyn Musicion with fower other sufficient persons att his appoyntment to the Likinge of the said maior Aldermen & comen counsell shalbe the comen waite for this Town & shall goo about euery mornynge sundayes excepted [in the] weekelye from the xxtie daye of Octobre vntill the xxv daie of marche, [And also] vsinge the Instrumente of waite as heretofore have been accustomed. And also that thei shall attend vpon M Maior for the tyme beinge vpon Michaelmes Daye & [suche] att suche other tymes as thei shalbe called either to mr maiors howse, or to Mustars or suche like assemblies with suche instrumente as shalbe mete in that behalf. And that thei shall have euerye one of them yerelie for their wage xxs a pece & for their Liueries xxs a pece. And that the said Iohn Allyn shall have the Townes sett of v instrumente or waite with the iij collers & the Trumpette deliuered vnto hym vpon suerties to be putt in for the mayntenaunce & saffe custodye of them and so to retorne restore & redeliuer them att all tymes whensoeuer the same shalbe demaunded or required. Mal
1584 Plague PR
(7 February) Also payde to william Blande for makinge of redde Coates for the waytes at the Marte xxiijs Mal
1586 (26 January) The waits collors dd out./ Also att this Daie were Deliuered to mr Maior the iij collors with Scutchons for the waite./ (14 February) The waite collors dd in./ Also att this Daie was dd into the hall heare by mr Maior[s] the iij waite collors which were dd out att the hall heare holden the xxvjth of Ianuarie last./ Mal
1588 The Mayflower, 150 tons, 70 men, under Alexander Musgrave, made available to fight the armada, and �100 collected in April to fit her for war. Three of the town’s waits were also assigned to this ‘shipp of warre’ to make ‘the noyse’ of waits. PR
(29 April) Thomas Druerye Lycensed to serve in the Shipp of warre/ Also att this Daie it is condiscended & agreed by mr Maior & the Aldermen that Thomas Druerye one of the Seriante att the Mast shall serve in the saide Shipp of warre for a Trompeter and that his office shalbe reserved for hym agenst his retorne home ageyn./ (Mal. soc. footnote: This occurs among a list of directions for outfitting the ship Lynn provided to serve against the Spanish Armada. Druerye was a Sergeant at Mast, not one of the town waits.) Mal
Water Bailiff – One of the Seargeants-at-mace who regulated the mooring of boats, etc. Hil
(15 November) ……thinge dd in by mr Sandill Also mr Sandill hath this daye delyuered into the hall heare…….iij colors of Syluer for the wayte, which waite & colors are dd out to Christofer Smyth one of the Towns waite. Mal
1588-1589 Mr Nelson late Maior his accompt (Rendered 8 December 1589 by Mr. Nelson, mayor from Michelmas 1588 to Michelmas 1589.) Item that he paide for cloath for the wayte lyueries & the bedelle lyuerie ye last wynter iijli iijs iiijd Mal
1589 Plague PR
1593 Plague PR
(27 September) The cheanes & Instrumente Allso Mr Maior hath dd into the hall heare the three cheanes belonginge to the Towns Musicions, & the Towns Instrumente. Mal
(1 October) order for ye waite Att this Daie it is agreed by Mr Maior the aldermen & comen Councell that Mal Iohn Whitehead, Mathew Semelie Denys Exelbye Iohn Hawkyn & William Hargrave shalbe the Town waite for this yere, & that the Town shall bestowe vpon them for ther Liveryes xxs apece, & for ther wage xxs apece to be paide as heretofore have been accustomed, & that thei shall give ther attendance vpon Mr [maior] as occasion shall serve, when thei shalbe required & that thei shall kepe the watche of morninge on the worken dayes from the first of Novembre next vntill the xxv of maarche followinge as before have been vsed & that on euery Sundaie & hollie Daie within the said tyme [the] in the eveynge thei shall plaie vpon ther Instrumente in the markett stede [b] ouer the Conditt yer beinge faire weather, Mal
Allso their is Dd out of the hall heare att this Daie to the said Iohn Whitehead & others of his companye theise Instrumente belonginge to the Town followinge viz a Doble Curtall a single Curtall Twoo Lizardines & a Tenor hoboye./…… Allso the iij waite collers with scutchinge of the Towns armes to the same [of syluer] are dd to mr Maior to be dd to the waite att mr maiors Discreton Mal
1594 (20 September) The Towns collers Att this Daie Mr Gurlyn hath dd into the hall heare three Collers of syluer belonginge to the Musicions of the Towns Mal
(14 October) The Towns Chaines Allso att this Daie ther is Delyuered vnto Andrew Iones Goldesmyth the Towns three chaynes belonginge to the waite wayinge xvij oz di & di quarter oz to thintent that he shall make two other Cheanes like vnto the same for the Towns vse. Mal
1595 (24 January) Andrew Ionas a burge The Town collers Allso att this Daie Andrew Iones Goldesmythe is admitted into the Liberties of this Town to be ffree of the companye of goldesmythes onlie, inconsideracion of gevenge of twoe syluer Collers to the Town, and there is paid vnto hym out of the hall heare for repayringe of the iij old collers with ouer plus of waight of the said il new Collers more then the olde xlvijs iiijd Md that all the said v collers waye together xxxj oz di (8 December) The waite appointed to be paid Allso att this Daye, Mr Maior the aldermen & comen counsell are contented that the Chambrlyns shall paie vnto the waite of this Town betwen this & twelf tide for ther liueries vli, ouer & beside vli before appointed to be paide to them for ther wage for this yere Mal
1597 Plague PR
(28 April) instruments dd to the waite Also the same daye there was dd out of the Hall heare to the iiijer Town wayte the syluer cheane with the scutchyn for the vth [<…….>] man newlye come in in the place of o<ne> which departed awaye andallso an instrument called a Lyserdine & a Trumpett Mal