Town Drummers
Tony Barton has recently turned up the attached picture of Pierson la Hues, the Town Drummer of Antwerp 1581 which I forward to you here. I’ve attached my other pictures of 16th c. drummers – no provenances, I’m afraid though we could probably find out something about each of them with a little investigation.
James [Merryweather] – 1 January 2012.
Also see
Artist: R Mabon. Subjects: Andrew Simpson (Drummer), James Livingstone (Piper) and Harry Barrie. Location of picture: East Lothian Museums Service.
“The portrait of James Livingstone, piper of Haddington seems to be the same man as the piper of Dalkeith Geordie Syme!” James [Merryweather] – 1 January 2012.
We have not researched these 16th Century drummers. If you have information that you can share, please contact us.