Newark Waits

From “The History of Newark” by Cornelius Brown. ISBN 0900943 70x publ. 1904 and 1995. Available online at

Vol 2, pp 10, 11.
Newark 1565: It was ordered that “Any person nowe inhabitinge or which hereafter shall inhabit within the town of Newark and liberties of the same shall pay towards the wage of the waites that now be and that hereafter shall be appoynted such sum or sums of money as shall be assessed and set upon than by the Alderman and assistants; and further that at any marriage or feasting no inhabitants should have any other musicians but the waits of the said town. (source not given

Vol 2, p11.
Brown references Nottingham Borough Records, IV pp137, 140:
1571: “Item gevyn to the Weytes of Neworke viiid.”
1572: “Item gevyn to the Weytes of Neworke the 29 of July, vid.”
Both payments were for performing in Nottingham Guildhall.

Vol 2, p149.
Brown references Lincoln accounts: “In Lincoln City records, under date 1695/1696, is this entry:- ‘For putting the reception of the king, when he came into this city, in the Gazette, 15s’; and there are various payments on the same occasion to the King’s servants and to the Newark Waits.

Vol 2, p270.
“The insignia consists of 2 maces, a Mayor’s wand, a Mayor’s chain and badge, 4 Waits’ badges, a Mayor’s badge of gold and enamel and the town seals.”

Vol 2, p271.
“The Waits’ badges, two of which are now worn by the Sergeants-at-Mace, are silver chains with pendant shields of the towns arms. They are engraved on the back with the initials and dates of various wearers, the earliest being 1713.”

John Coldeway’s paper on the Waits of Nottingham and Newark, is available online at