Records of the Ipswich Waits
Ipswich Borough Archives 1255-1835, by David Allen (2000), ISBN 0 85115 772 6. 1731-2: voucher for broad ribbon for the ‘town musick’ 1733-4: voucher for ‘ribbands for the Town Musick’ 1756: “You are hereby required to pay to the Band of Musick in this Corporation the sum of six pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence for Half a Yeares Sallary due at a Lady last past, and this shall be your sufficient warrant given under the hands this 3 day of Apr. 1756” 1793-4: Baliff’s warrants for payment of £1 6s 8d each to Joseph Gibbs and Thomas Channing, ‘as a survivor of the heretofore Town Band … being one fifth part of the old Sallery, to Lady 1794’ [for many years previously the Treasurer’s accounts and vouchers had included regular payments to ‘the Town Musick’ or ‘the town Band of Musick’] 1795-6: Baliff’s warrants for payment of 10s to Joseph Gibbs, a survivor of the old Town Band. The Corporation Plate and Insignia of Office of the Cities and Towns of England and Wales, by L F W Jewitt (1895). … the six musicians of Ipswich are ordered to have “ waits bought them at the Town’s charge.” |