Because of the success and rapid expansion of this site, it has been decided that it can very effectively replace the CONFERENCE – TOWN BANDS OF EUROPE (proposed for York, July 2002) which has been cancelled
Therefore, we propose radical improvement of The Waits Website in the following ways:
- Redesign the Waits Website with improved links to all aspects of Waits History & Performance.
- Expand, reorganise and improve online access to up-to-date information about Waits.
- Encourage researchers to publish their Waits articles online, under strict peer review by a panel of appointed referees.
- Promote informed discussion to enhance our knowledge of Waits’ activities.
- We invite all bands interested in the performance of music in the styles of Waits, Stadtpfeiffer, Pifferi etc. to consider the possibility of a weekend of workshops and performance as had been planned to coincide with the conference and to make their interest known to James or Chris.