Bibliography – Town Bands of Europe

Collated by James Merryweather of The York Waits Items marked with a star (*) will appear on this site soon.

History of individual towns

BEVERLEY Extracts from the Beverley Minute Books, collected by Alan Radford *

KING’S LYNN  Gutteridge, Christopher (1999-2000).The Waites of Lynn. *

LEEDS  Radford, Alan (1994). The Leeds Waits. from:the author at 40 Lee Lane East, Horsforth, Leeds, LS18 5RE. See also

LEICESTER  Wilshere, JEO (1970). Leicester town waits. Leicester, Leicester research services.

LINCOLN  Garrod, Allister (ongoing)

LINCOLNSHIRE  Stokes, James (1998). The Waits of Lincolnshire. Early Theatre. 1: 75-111.

NORTH-EAST ENGLAND  Roz Southey (2006). Music Making in North-East England during the Eighteenth Century. Ashgate Publishing.  ISBN-13: 978-0-7546-5097-3.  ISBN-10: 0-7546-5097-0 Hardback.

NORWICH  Janssen, Carole Ann (1978). The waytes of Norwich and renaissance civic pageantry. Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of New Brunswick.

NORWICH  Stephen, George A (1933). The waits of the city of Norwich through four centuries to 1790. Proceedings of the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. vol. xxv.

NOTTINGHAM  Bevan, Victoria (1991). The waits of Nottingham (1547-1702). Unpublished BA Thesis. University of Nottingham.NOTTINGHAMSHIRE (NOTTINGHAM, NEWARK)  John Coldewey. Some Nottinghamshire Waits: Their History and Habits. REED.

RICHMOND  Merryweather, James W (1994). The town waits. The Richmond (Yorkshire) Review. 17: 18-21.

STAMFORD  Simpson, Justin (1885) The Stamford Waits and their predecessors: an historical sketch Published in The Reliquary Vol. XXVI *

YORK  Cooper, Thomas Parsons ‘TPC’ (c. 1934). The waits and minstrels of the City of York from the earliest times to the year 1835. Unpublished draft of book (TPC died in 1937). In York City Library.

YORK  Merryweather, James W (1988). York Music. York, Sessions Book Trust. ISBN 1 85072 034 7. Available from Sessions of York Books or from the author.
James Merryweather’s York Music – Update
York Waits’ Chains first published in York Historian – vol. 20 *